First of all you need to understand that there are two parts of the tongue. There is the part that is considered the oral tongue and there is the part that is identified as the base of the tongue. This is important because the patient will exhibit different signs and there are different treatments whenever a patient is diagnosed with carcinoma of the tongue.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the tongue is by large the main type of cancer that occurs in the tongue, but there are other types of rare forms of cancer. Usually an individual will come to a physician complaining of tongue pain, a lesion that just will not go away, sensitivity of a lesion that is easily irritated and bleeds easily for a long period of time, difficulty swallowing, change in the sound of the patients voice, or sometimes a patient will exhibit a sense of being full. Most of the time the lesion is located on one side of the tongue and strays from the normal pink hue that a tongue usually has, when referring to cancer of the oral tongue. Now with carcinoma of the base of the tongue the patient is going to exhibit the symptoms that seem to be a little more severe, like the changing of the sound of the voice, difficulty swallowing, possible neck pain( due to metastasizing).
Most of the time a patient who has been diagnosed with have two main options. The individual will be given the opportunity of surgery or radiation therapy. Most of the time surgery is pushed due to the fact that a patient who may have recurring lesions, then radiation therapy will be an option. Some patients might complain about how surgery could possibly disfigure there tongue therefore causing issues with speech, but doctors like to point out that there is hardly in change in how a patient might speak if any change. It is debatable though about what method is best for the patient. those individuals who do have poor heart health and would be put in a dangerous situation if placed under anaesthesia, then these individuals are good candidates for radiation therapy.
Unfortunately many individuals will let tongue cancer go and this will cause metastisation that will travel down to the neck and up to the brain. Individuals are recommended to see a dentist on a regular basis so that they may be able to get check ups regularly to monitor any possibilities of carcinoma of the tongue to occur.I could not pass this picture up. Hello Nasal polyposis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O.K. Nasal polyposis is a condition where the patient has polyps in the nasal septum. Patients will normally have symptoms difficulty breathing through the nostrils, a hyponasal voice and dysgeusias, which is an abnormal change in the sense of taste. Misdiagnosis is not uncommon with nasal polyposis because of the like symptoms that go with allergies or sinusitis.
I thought this was interesting. I found out that nasal polyps were actually considered an ailment in ancient Egypt over three thousand years ago. They would cure these "polyps" by taking a sponge that had a string attached with a tin piece attached to the end and would run the sponge through the nose and have the sponge come out of the mouth. This would bring the polyps out through the mouth. Now days we usually can either use a topical steroid cream or for patients who have very large nasal polyps then the decision of surgically removing the polyps is an option. However those patients who do have nasal polyps usually have a very high percentage rate of forty to sixty percent.
Depending on the size of the tumor, the stage it is in and the location of the tumor, treatments can include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. But there is still no cure for glioblastoma multiforme.
My mother said that she did not really notice any symptoms occurring before the aneurysm, but she did say that once the initial pain of it rupturing went away, she said that it was a huge release because the pressure was not so great. She does not remember anything after that. Some symptoms that could arise with a ruptured intracranial aneurysm would be nausea and vomiting, blurred vision or double vision, pain that is above and/or behind the eyes, dilated pupils, sensitivity to light and loss of sensation throughout the body.