I could not pass this picture up. Hello Nasal polyposis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O.K. Nasal polyposis is a condition where the patient has polyps in the nasal septum. Patients will normally have symptoms difficulty breathing through the nostrils, a hyponasal voice and dysgeusias, which is an abnormal change in the sense of taste. Misdiagnosis is not uncommon with nasal polyposis because of the like symptoms that go with allergies or sinusitis.
I thought this was interesting. I found out that nasal polyps were actually considered an ailment in ancient Egypt over three thousand years ago. They would cure these "polyps" by taking a sponge that had a string attached with a tin piece attached to the end and would run the sponge through the nose and have the sponge come out of the mouth. This would bring the polyps out through the mouth. Now days we usually can either use a topical steroid cream or for patients who have very large nasal polyps then the decision of surgically removing the polyps is an option. However those patients who do have nasal polyps usually have a very high percentage rate of forty to sixty percent.